
TRON is an ambitious project dedicated to the establishment of a truly decentralized Internet and its infrastructure. The TRON Protocol, one of the largest blockchain-based operating systems in the world, offers public blockchain support of high throughput, high scalability, and high availability for all Decentralized Applications (DApps) in the TRON ecosystem. The July 2018 acquisition of BitTorrent further cemented TRON’s leadership in pursuing a decentralized ecosystem. 

About FSM

FSM is a deflationary Spaghetti of value based on the TRON smart contract. Whenever FSM is transferred, 1% of the amount will be burned. The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) is the deity of the Church of Pastafarianism. It is our mascot, an advocate of openness to religion, a representative of decentralization and open source attitudes that do not fear authority. FSM is the spiritual totem of FSM Token. The total amount of bitcoin is constant, while the total amount of FSM is burnt.

FSM is code of reference Boom Token

Boom Token is first self-burning cryptocurrency based on smart contract. Boom Token is a social experiment. Blockchain gives us an opportunity to create this deflationary currency, and the deflation mechanism is fully based on smart contract. BOOM has a nice gain after its release

Compatible with TRON Protocol

The sidechain uses the DPoS consensus, the same as the mainchain. It supports smart contract and almost all of the functionalities of the mainchain. TRON users can easily adapt to the sidechain, and developers can quickly migrate or develop new DApps on the sidechain.

Highly Customizable

DAppChain is committed to provide all ecosystem participants with a highly flexible, well-configured, and highly customized network of multiple sidechains. This is also one of the characteristics of each sidechain in DAppChain that is different from the main chain.

Lower Resource Cost

The resource consumption on the sidechain can be much lower. For a same transaction, the cost of resources consumed is only a fraction of the cost on the mainchain. This is great news for DApps that have large transaction volume and it can help contract developers reduce their energy consumption.

High Security

Oracle relay-chain and DPoS on a single sidechain can ensure the security of on-chain/cross-chain transactions for users. Ultimately, the consensus of mainchain(TRON-network) safeguards the security of all sidechains.

Compatible with TRON Protocol

The sidechain uses the DPoS consensus, the same as the mainchain. It supports smart contract and almost all of the functionalities of the mainchain. TRON users can easily adapt to the sidechain, and developers can quickly migrate or develop new DApps on the sidechain.

Highly Customizable

DAppChain is committed to provide all ecosystem participants with a highly flexible, well-configured, and highly customized network of multiple sidechains. This is also one of the characteristics of each sidechain in DAppChain that is different from the main chain.

Lower Resource Cost

The resource consumption on the sidechain can be much lower. For a same transaction, the cost of resources consumed is only a fraction of the cost on the mainchain. This is great news for DApps that have large transaction volume and it can help contract developers reduce their energy consumption.

High Security

Oracle relay-chain and DPoS on a single sidechain can ensure the security of on-chain/cross-chain transactions for users. Ultimately, the consensus of mainchain(TRON-network) safeguards the security of all sidechains.

Smart Contract

A smart contract is a protocol that digitally verifies contract negotiation. They define the rules and penalties related to an agreement and also automatically enforce those obligations. The smart contract code facilitates, verifies, and enforces the negotiation or performance of an agreement or transaction. From a tokenization perspective, smart contracts also facilitate automatic funds transfers between participating parties should certain criteria be met. TRON smart contracts are written in the Solidity language. Once written and tested, they can be compiled into bytecode, then deployed onto the TRON network for the TRON Virtual Machine. Once deployed, smart contracts can be queried via their contract addresses. The contract Application Binary Interface (ABI) shows the contract’s call functions and is used for interacting with the network.

DApp Development


The TRON network offers a wide selection of over 60+ HTTP API gateways for interacting with the network via Full and Solidity Nodes. Additionally, TronWeb is a comprehensive JavaScript library containing API functions that enable developers to deploy smart contracts, change the blockchain state, query blockchain and contract information, trade on the DEX, and much more. These API gateways can be directed towards a local privatenet, the Shasta testnet, or the TRON Mainnet.


TRON has both a Shasta testnet as well as a Mainnet. Developers may connect to the networks by deploying nodes, interacting via TronStudio, or using APIs via the TronGrid service. The TronGrid service consists of load balanced node clusters hosted on AWS servers worldwide. As DApp development scales up and API call volumes increase, TronGrid successfully fields the increase in API traffic. 


TRON offers a suite of development tools for enabling developers to create innovative DApps. TronBox is a framework that allows developers to test and deploy smart contracts via the TronWeb API. TronGrid is a load balanced and hosted API service that allows developers to access the TRON network without having to run their own node. TronGrid offers access to both the Shasta testnet as well as the TRON Mainnet. TronStudio is a comprehensive Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that enables developers to compile, deploy, and debug their Solidity smart contracts. TronStudio contains an internal full node that creates a private local environment for smart contract testing prior to deployment. The TronWeb API library connects developers to the network via a wide selection of HTTP API calls wrapped in JavaScript.


The TRON Developer Hub is a comprehensive API documentation site tailored towards 12 developers wishing to build on the TRON network. The Developer Hub provides a high-level conceptual understanding of TRON and walks users through the details of interacting with the network. The guides walk developers through node setup, deployment and interaction with smart contracts, API interaction and implementation, building sample DApps, and using each of the developer tools. Additionally, developer community channels are available through Discord

Energy Model

The maximum energy limit for deploying and triggering a smart contract is a function of several variables:

● Dynamic energy from freezing 1 TRX is 50,000,000,000 (Total Energy Limit) / (Total Energy Weight)

● Energy limit is the daily account energy limit from freezing TRX

● Remaining daily account energy from freezing TRX is calculated as Energy Limit – Energy Used

● Fee limit in TRX is set in smart contract deploy/trigger call

● Remaining usable TRX in the account

● Energy per TRX if purchased directly (10 SUN = 1 Energy) = 100,000, SRs can vote on adjustment

TRC-10 Token

In the TRON network, each account can issue tokens at the expense of 1024 TRX. To issue tokens, the issuer needs to specify a token name, the total capitalization, the exchange rate to TRX, circulation duration, description, website, maximum bandwidth consumption per account, total bandwidth consumption, and the amount of token frozen. Each token issuance can also configure each account’s maximum daily token transfer Bandwidth Points, the entire network’s maximum daily token transfer Bandwidth Points, total token supply, locking duration in days, and the total amount of tokens locked. 

TRC-20 Token

TRC-20 is a technical standard used for smart contracts implementing tokens supported by the TRON Virtual Machine. It is fully compatible with ERC-20.


TRON is a scalable blockchain solution that has employed innovative methods for tackling challenges faced by legacy blockchain networks. Having reached over 2M transactions per day, with over 700K TRX accounts, and surpassing 2000 TPS, TRON has enabled the community in creating a decentralized and democratized network. 

FSM Website: https://www.fsmtoken.com/

Tronscan: https://tronscan.org/#/token20/TXLE8JWRQAsjUoJM4rX43HFCPrJS73JJBX






Bitcointalk Username: Dewi08

Telegram Username: @ dhewio8

Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088

Tron Address (TRC-20): TBN4V2cyZdCfoSx2ugDu6ZkfDr4rVxtKpL

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