Tradetoken Defi blockchain project.


Token utility and Decentralized Finance are the current trend in the cryptoindustry today, and this is what the Tradetoken Network is all about. We intend to use our plethora of DeFi products to empower businesses, governments and the ordinary people on the streets. With our Ecosystem we intend to foster fast, safe and reliable transactions eliminating the middlemen thereby reducing cost to do business. Tradetoken will be used as the official currency for our ecosystem. It will be used for payments and also as transaction fees for all Defi products in our ecosystem.

What is DEFI? 

Defi is simply an acronym that stands for Decentralized Finance. The buzz word in the cryptocurrency world today. The main aim of DeFi is to give users full control over their assets, and because of the decentralization disposition of blockchain technology this is very possible. Defi is about having no central control of your finances.

That means the issue of trust is eliminated, users of a decentralized system are empowered and can make financial decisions quickly without interferences. Users of a decentralized financial system can trade, purchase, and invest freely and securely than in the traditional central systems as we know it. It’s upon the aforementioned notions that the Tradetoken network operates.

We are creating a decentralized ecosystems void of central control where users whether businesses, individuals or even governments can conduct their daily financial operations in a safe, fast, and efficient way, with reduced costs. Finally we believe Defi will attract main stream businesses and financial institutions to form synergies, partnerships and collaborations with the cryptocurrency projects and this could spark off massive adoption of cryptocurrency. We want to be at the forefront of this.

We are still in the beginning of this blockchain revolution, but it is quickly gaining steam. Why?

Because blockchain cuts out all the excess transactions that once took up significant costs. Without a need to trust third-party systems for storage and authentication, blockchain allows for greater transparency and security within transactional relationships. Now, the blockchain idea has been applied far beyond just transactions.

Decentralized applications (or ‘dApps’ for short) came into the picture, allowing for these same genius properties to be applied to everyday applications we use on our phones and computers. No longer do we need conglomerates hoarding our data nor do we need to rely on them for validation; instead, a distributed, decentralized ledger would be able to validate itself by the virtue of its underlying technology. Just think of the potential blockchain technology has to fundamentally alter every aspect of our lives. Of all the aforementioned advantages of blockchain technology we take just four to form the foundation of the Tradetoken Network; Reduced Cost, Elimination of third-party, Security and Financial Empowerement.

The TradeToken Solution

Blockchain technology is ever evolving and the potentials it carries are frankly limitless. Our main aim is to be a production factory of Defi products for daily use for businesses, government and individuals with our secure ecosystem with Tradetoken used as a the main currency for all transactions.

TradeToken Whitelabel Exchange

This is our flagship blockchain product. It’s a powerful whitelabel exchange where you can trade/swap/exchange well over 150 standard cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Eth, Xrp, Doge, Zec, Dash etc. It’s very fast, safe and decentralized. No kyc is needed to do any transaction here.

Key features of the exchange

1. Speed- After order is made, transaction is extremely fast

2. Security- Funds are very secure

3. Anonymous: No KYC is needed, personal details are not required to use exchange.

4. Very low fees

Blockwire App

This is the first of it’s kind in the crypto-market. It has all the regular features of most wallets like: storage, quick -swap, staking and P2P, but there is one other major feature that make it stand out from the rest. We call it the TCS which stands for TRANSACTION CONFIRMATION SYSTEM.

Transaction confirmation system is a system that helps confirm or approve a crypto transaction. This is how TCS works; for instance if Mr. X sends crypto from his wallet to Mr Y’s wallet, the system will send prompts to first Mr. Y alerting him to accept the sent crypto then also another prompt goes to Mr. X to approve or cancel the transaction. So with this system if you send crypto by mistake you can easily cancel such a transaction.No more fear of loosing crypto by mistake anymore. This is an innovation that has been absent in the crypto world. The Blockwire- wallet solves this issue once and for all

TT Susu

TT- Susu is a platform which encourages personal savings for low income earners. With this app participating contributors will be able to save by contributing weekly or monthly after which participants take turns to collect sums from the pool of money contributed by everyone. This is Susu on Blockchain,the aim is to encourage people to have good saving culture and help them save for the rainy days. This app is highly recommended for people saving for rent, school fees, investment, travel etc.

TT Wakka

This application is designed for people who do a lot of traveling and want to save cost. This is very ideal for business people and serial tourists. With our strong partnerships with high- profile global travel agencies and airlines registered under our platform we will drastically reduce travel cost by 20-50%, get excited! Another great advantage of being a TTO holder.


Debit card Hello mass adoption! With our Tradetoken debitcards people will be able to use cryptocurrency to pay for goods, services, fees etc. They will also be able to withdraw cryptocurrencies from any ATM machine in form of their local currencies to spend. Tradetoken debitcards will be linked to the Blockwire App

TT Sports

Sports the world over is big business. It ranks among the highest employers of labour in many countries in the world. In developed countries, governments and private organizations invest enormous sums to develop sport infrastructures and individual talents and reap back enormous profits, the reverse is the case in Africa. Well that is all about to change with the TT-Sports platform. With solid third-party partnerships and direct investments we will invest in special talents in various types of sports like football, basketball,rugby, sprinters etc. Sponsoring their training and taking them to various tournaments. These talents will be developed and then sold off for profit. All this will be powered by Tradetoken. TT-Sports is a sports finance App

Token Information

Tradetoken is an Ethereum-based token. You can search for them on etherscan with “tradetoken” all lower case letters or with the contract address: 0x996Df3D7e3054A39432e76295Df2D7C8EAB8B4bC

  • Token Name: Trade Token
  • Token symbol: TTO
  • Type: ERC-20
  • Total supply: 100,000,000

Token Distribution

  • Bounty: 3%
  • Development: 40%
  • Combustion: 10%
  • Marketing: 20%
  • Air drop: 2%
  • Team: 25%



Rowland Aneke: Ceo & Lead Blockchain

Vivian Okwedy: Lead Sales and Marketing

Ajayi Eniola: Community Manager

Sunday Okon: Chief Advisor

Annamalai V: Blog & Content writer

Muhammad Ammar: WordPress Web Devloper


All of the information presented in this whitepaper is tentative and is subject to change at any time. None of the information herein should be construed as legal, accounting, or investment advice of any kind. This document does not represent a solicitation for investment, nor does it represent an offering or sale, public or private, of any kind of financial instrument, security or otherwise, in any jurisdiction. This whitepaper is provided as-is, for informational purposes only, with the intention of describing a prospective token system called Tradetoken. As is the case every cryptocurrency acquiring Tradetoken, trading and storing them involves various risks. Therefore, and prior to acquiring Tradetokens, any user should carefully consider the risks, costs and benefits of acquiring Tradetokens.


Bitcointalk Username: Dewi08

Telegram Username: @ dhewio8

Bitcointalk url:;u=894088

Wallet address (eth): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

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